Building a trusted brand is critical in a digital age, and in this press release Bartercard explain why you should strategically build trust in the right places to maximise impact, brand reach and market sway – and also increase profit.
Bartercard explain, that firstly, we live in a ‘trust economy, where reputational capital is crucial. The impact of trust is scalable to small and medium-sized businesses too, and the old marketing maxim that ‘a happy customer will tell one person about you, but an unhappy customer will tell five’ now vastly understates the case. If you’ve upset a customer who happens to have fifty thousand Twitter followers…well, you have a serious problem on your hands.
The traditional way to build reputation and trust is delivering on your promises and providing great customer service – but that’s not enough. You should think like a customer and what you would expect and appreciate. That’s how to build customer loyalty.
Companies often put processes in place originally intended to improve customer service or business results. However, over time, staff start focusing more on the process and lose track of the actual outcome it was put in place to achieve. You just need a simple statement to do whatever it takes, adding value and expertise to build credibility and trust.
As brand innovators, Bartercard say, there are several ways to do this. You can include free case studies on your website that focus on addressing common customer problems, making sure they are written in a way that focuses on the customer and their business, not on your products and services. You can also write articles and blogs on relevant third party websites covering topics of interest to your customers and prospects. When doing this, remember to follow the golden rule of content marketing: to never talk about yourself, rather focusing on the customer and their issues.
Finally, Bartercard say, “Trust is built on relationships. So don’t just get to know customers and prospects from a business perspective. Get to know them as people. Trust is the crucial currency in today’s business world. Technology and social media are powerful platforms to reach your market, so combine these and the fundamentals of building effective relationships and you’ll be positioning your business for sustained success.”
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