If our business isn’t as productive as we feel it could be, Bartercard have a three-point plan to make our work day more productive. Dr. Ron Friedman (award-winning social psychologist and bestseller on increasing workplace effectiveness) suggests we complete three tasks before beginning our actual work.
These surprising, yet simple suggestions from Friedman combine science and research, reminding us of the superior results we can achieve by deliberately taking time out to plan – before we begin a task. It all starts with a planning session.
Preparing for what is to come is important. We need to distinguish between what is urgent and what feels urgent which will enable us to determine the tasks we need to focus our attention on first. From the very moment we sit down we should ask ourselves this – “When the day is over, and I’m leaving here with a sense of accomplishment, what have I achieved?”
We need to begin by creating a plan of attack, breaking down any complex tasks into specific actions. We should also break down the goals into specific, smaller actions that begin with a verb (ACTION word) to make it very clear what our intentions are, e.g. make a sales call. This goal becomes more focused by listing the required actions such as researching the prospect company, scheduling a phone meeting with the contact, clearing our schedule and committing to a call location for the phone meeting.
Research has indicated that being specific about goals and the tasks required, increases successful outcomes. Also having the required steps mapped out in advance reduces the need for additional thinking later in the day and lessens the likelihood of procrastination. We should begin the day with the tasks that require the most mental energy and as the day continues, most of us will find our willpower and focus become less effective.
To help people manage their business more effectively, the Bartercard team have created a free resource which can be downloaded on their website at http://www.bartercard.co.nz . In less time than it takes for a coffee break, you’ll gain valuable insights into the habits the most successful business owners have in common. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Small Business Owners eBook covers learning how to roll with the punches, exploring the art of long and short-term plans, monitoring cash flow and spending, working with the pros vs. DIY opportunities, embracing technology and being open to change.