10 steps to maximise your cash!

Cash flow’ isn’t just about cash. It’s also about the systems around generating it, managing it, and multiplying it.

Many people aim to cut expenditure to improve their bottom line, but it is also important to increase income at the same time, and to more effectively manage the use of what we have.

By following these 10 steps, you’ll be well on your way to changing your approach to money.


Bartercard New Zealand

Bartercard is unlike any other credit or debit card because you fund our card with your own goods and services…NOT CASH. Bartercard currently helps over 7,000 smart businesses in New Zealand to increase sales, customer base, cash-flow and profit. Bartercard enables member businesses to exchange goods and services with other member businesses, saving valuable cash, without having to engage in a direct swap of goods.

Bartercard New Zealand has 13 branches nationwide.

Increase Profits And Improve Cashflow With Bartercard

Bartercard members are part of an enormous community of businesses that are increasing revenue and improving their cashflow, using an electronic currency called a Trade Dollar. One Trade Dollar is equivalent to one New Zealand Dollar for all accounting and taxation purposes and members then take these Trade Dollars and use them to offset cash expenses within their business.

Assuming Bartercard members have their current cash business already covering their fixed overheads, such as rent and wages, and they have the capacity to take on new business, the only cost in supplying another Bartercard member is their product replacement/variable cost. This means that when they make a purchase using Trade Dollars (T$) they are effectively getting a discount equal to their Gross Profit Margin.

When a company spends cash there is no guarantee of the return. With the Trade Dollar Bartercard members know that each time they spend, it will come back to them in the form of new business from another Bartercard member. Bartercard members are motivated to utilise fellow members’ goods and services because they are paying with their Gross Profit Margin, saving them cash every time they spend.

The new customers generated by Bartercard will be incremental (on top of) any existing cash business, therefore not interfering with their existing business model and Bartercard aims to increase members’ business by 5-15% and increase their net cash profit.

Corey and Rohini, owners of The Oakroom, a popular inner city bar are thrilled with their experiences since joining Bartercard and have this to say: “The team at Bartercard are truly high-calibre and energetic. Their knowledge of the local market and their key contacts in the community helped us in our search for a lot of what we were looking for to be able to setup and continually vary The Oakroom. Geoff our Trade Broker made sure we got the best value for the products that we were looking for.

“Bartercard also came through on its promise to us of new customers. After joining we immediately had new patrons coming through our doors. Functions during our downtime are also a focus for us. Since joining Bartercard we have had a number of Corporate Functions and it’s been exciting to see new cash customers returning as a result and spreading the word about our new bar.”

Intending members should take a moment to visit the website at http://www.bartercard.co.nz  to discover how to join Bartercard and how to get the most out of their membership by using their trade dollars for more important things… like relaxing and having a coffee at their local bar or servicing their car at the mechanics.


Bartercard Are Very Serious About Fair Trading On The Exchange

Bartercard NZ launches their Fair Trading campaign under the NZ law and due to the number of recent changes to the New Zealand legislation impacting on businesses and their obligations when promoting and selling goods, Bartercard took this as an opportunity to put something together to further explain what this means for the Bartercard Trade Exchange. The purpose is to help Bartercard members understand the changes and ensure members are meeting their legal obligations when conducting business on Bartercard. This will help eliminate unfair trading and create a healthier exchange. Like the cash economy they operate in the same way and those rules and laws apply to Bartercard.

‘The FTA applies to what people say and do when promoting and selling goods and services. The Act applies to all sales by professional traders, but not to one-off private trades. The FTA prohibits misleading and deceptive conduct, false representations and unfair practices by people in trade. The FTA has been amended and penalties under the Act have increased.

‘See http://www.business.govt.nz/laws-and-regulations/consumer-laws/understanding-the-fair-trading-act .

‘Unfair practices are selling methods which mislead you. Unfair practices which are illegal under the FTA include bait advertising. Some examples of unfair practises are:

‘When a seller advertises particular goods or services at a particular price, and doesn’t intend supplying or selling reasonable quantities at that price.

‘When a seller advertises as goods being payable in Bartercard but you find when you come to collect the goods that cash is involved. (Note: It is a condition that to list in the Bartercard directory, that advertised services are 100% on Bartercard).

‘When a seller’s pricing is different when paying with Bartercard.

‘To assist in the definition of what is fair and taking into account the terms and conditions members are bound by, you will find enclosed a document on Fair Practices for conducting business on Bartercard. Should you have a dispute with another member, Bartercard is not able to directly assist in resolving the dispute as Bartercard is not a party to the contract. It would also be possible for a Court or Tribunal to overturn a decision made by Bartercard in such a dispute. We therefore encourage members to have clear expectations prior to entering into agreements and to seek legal advice as required. Please refer to the booklet enclosed or visit www.bartercard.co.nz/fair-trading .

‘Bartercard is however interested in being made aware of any dealings that you have that you believe are unfair or unlawful. Bartercard can then decide if the circumstances mean that a member should be removed from the exchange particularly if it’s not a one off occurrence. By holding members accountable, this will assist in maintaining a healthy exchange.’

As Bartercard are really trying to help their members by providing them with the legislation with examples of how this applies in Bartercard, people should go to http://www.bartercard.co.nz  .